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Becoming Love Book Cover, Robert Stewart Author


A Story for the Soul


Becoming Love


One man's journey to meet his soul and have a grand adventure on the El Camino de Santiago trail.


Robert Stewart, Canada's go-to Peace Guy, launches the first book of his PeaceWorks trilogy with a collection of stories about his travels across the globe in pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. The series begins with Stewart's account of his pilgrimage on the famed El Camino de Santiago trail in Spain. The story is both a deeply personal inward journey of the author's own spiritual growth as well as an inspirational tale of the adventures he has with his fellow travellers as they walk "the Camino" together.  Along the Camino Way, readers are afforded glimpses into Stewart's private life as we hear of his evolving love for his soul mate from whom he is separated on a year-long sabbatical. We also learn about a deeper love that shapes their story:  the love of one's soul.



Sadly, Robert Stewart passed away on September 9, 2019. Stewart, a chartered accountant by profession and recipient of YMCA's Peace Award, had been a leader in peacebuilding for more than two decades. Referred to as the country's foremost peace educator, Stewart created one of the world's most comprehensive websites on peace education in 1999 and went on to also found and host Canada's first Annual Peace Education Conference at McMaster's University in Hamilton, Ontario, which ran for almost a decade.  He had been Special Ambassador of the Rotary Peace Cities Project and, among numerous other related roles, was a member of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO's National Working Group to promote the United Nations' International Year for a Culture of Peace.  Robert Stewart was the founder of The Canadian Centers for Teaching Peace and frequently ran peace programs, inspiring others to effect positive change in themselves and their communities. His dream was to see community peace centers and cafes blossom and prosper in Canada and abroad. 


When Robert  was not on the front lines doing his peace work to make, you would find Bob (as he's affectionately known by his family and friends) enjoying  the quiet of Shediac, New Brunswick, where he resided with his wife Anne-Marie Collette, a highly sought-after transformational coach, educator and gifted speaker on inner peace. Anne-Marie, according to her own passions for peace, continues Bob's peace legacy.  


Becoming Love

     ... discover what it means                               

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